Social Media Policy

Professional social media accounts managed by Kathryn Palmer RP and Activate Psychotherapy exist to provide access to free educational content and to advertise for services offered. Please note that any information provided through social media is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for psychotherapy treatment of mental health conditions. Engagement over social media or with the information provided through social media does not reflect a therapeutic or professional relationship.

Viewers should not attempt to contact Kathryn or share confidential personal health information through social media channels or by direct messaging (DM). Kathryn is not able to provide feedback outside of a therapeutic context and, given that social media accounts are not regularly monitored, may not respond at all to DMs. Any current or future clients are invited to contact the Activate Psychotherapy office by phone or using the contact form on the website. If a viewer is in crisis, they should present to their local emergency room or seek assistance using a local crisis resource.

Note that following a social media account or engaging with a post is displayed publicly. Caution should therefore be taken when engaging with Activate Psychotherapy social media accounts, since doing so may inadvertently compromise your privacy.

In following with the ethical guidelines of psychotherapy practice, Kathryn cannot accept “friend” requests from current or past clients on personal social networking accounts. Doing so can blur the lines of the therapeutic relationship, compromise client confidentiality, and interfere with our respective privacy. Please feel free to address any questions about this with Kathryn in your next therapy session.

Official Social Media Links